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The Alpha Publishing House issues books by Richard W. Wetherill and about Nature's Behavioral Law of Absolute Right that he had identified decades ago. This natural law calls for people to be rational, honest, and morally right when dealing with the events of life and with one another.

About Richard W Wetherill
In the early 1940's while he was Training Executive at the Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Company in Philadelphia, Wetherill compiled and wrote the first comprehensive book on foremanship under the title Management Techniques for Foremen along with a "Leader's Guide" for teaching those techniques. After resigning from the Budd Company, he functioned as a Management Consultant to several companies in the Philadelphia area. During that period, he wrote a series of "how to" books under the general title of The Dynamics of Human Relations: How To Succeed with People, How To Get Your Ideas Across and How To Get Leadership and Influence. All three books were published on the same day in 1949 by D. Van Nostrand Company, New York and Toronto.
During six decades of teaching, broadcasting, writing and consulting, Wetherill addressed thousands of people via his nationwide study groups. Hundreds of miraculous changes were reported. He taught people how to maximize their talents for a more effective life. He was able to show that conforming with right action resolves problems and prevents trouble. Among those who listened were families with behavioral difficulties, many eager to improve their relationships, and others with habits they couldn't control.
We invite you to experience the dramatic changes provided by obedience to Nature’s Law of Right Action.