by Richard W Wetherill
In this book, Wetherill points out the importance of absolute honesty and shows how to identify and drop dishonest rationalizations. Four experiential articles are also included written by people who describe the application of the behavioral law in daily life.
By applying what is said in this section, the members of a group of young people stopped their involvement in typical teenage trouble over smoking, drinking, drugs, and sex. The changes came one by one, but each change was sudden and effortless and proved to be lasting.
Preteen children also reduced their misbehavior sufficiently that they no longer needed scoldings or punishments. Instead, calling their attention to misbehavior proved sufficient to end it because the kids themselves had determined that they should behave themselves in a civilized manner.
Parents and school authorities were delighted. Numerous adults adopted and applied the same information in their vocational and private lives and ended their arguments. Anyone who thoughtfully and honestly considers all the details presently is able to understand why. At first some of the information may seem too good to be true—but that condition passes as soon as the information is fully and correctly understood.
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Printed Book Details
Paperback: 130 pages
Publisher: The Alpha Publishing House; 3rd edition (January, 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1881074021
ISBN-13: 978-1881074021
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.9 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces